Hi, I am Henry. For my Mitzvah Project I started a fundrasier for Malta House. So far we've raised 3,816 dollars.

Henry's Mitzvah Project

Total donated


of $2,000


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Hi, my name is Henry I live in Westport, Connecticut. I am celebrating my Bar Mitzvah in June. My Torah portion is about Women's Inequality. In the Torah portion I am studying, Numbers 27:1-11, Zelophehad has five daughters and no sons. When he dies the daughters aren't allowed to receive the inheritance. They bring the issue to Moses and God changes the Law so that daughters can receive inheritance. This inspired me to help with Women's Inequality so, for my Mitzvah Project, I partnered with Malta House.

Malta house is a long term shelter for pregnant and parenting mothers and their children. Unlike other shelters they allow mothers to stay up to 18 months. Malta House was created 20 years ago and is one of the only women's shelters in Fairfield, Connecticut. The staff at Malta House helps mothers plan and set goals for their future. 90 percent of the women that stay at Malta House graduate from a certificate program and more than 60 percent become employed as they transition out of Malta House.

Currently, Malta House is expanding into a new location and I was able to get a tour of their new space. They talked about how they were building a fitness center so the mothers staying at Malta House can exercise and stay healthy. But they still lacked the funds to complete it. As part of my mitzvah project, I volunteered to raise money to help create their fitness center.

With your help, my goal is to raise two thousand dollars for Malta House. All contributions big or small are welcome. Thank you so much for your support.